We have not had a good snow storm (that would be more than an inch or two that doesn't melt away a few hours later) around here in years but this afternoon a big one blew in!!! School is already cancelled tomorrow and the kids are geared up for a fun day in the white stuff!!! For those of you who have snow on regular basis in the winter time I know it is humurous that our area basically shuts down when we just get a few inches of snow! But hey.... you wouldn't want to see most of out on the roads when we don't know how to drive in it and besides we need a day just to play in the stuff!!!!
Check out those big flakes. Hope you and the girls have a grand ole time playing in the snow today. :-)
LOVE those pretty pictures...enjoy!
I'm gonna go rake leaves ;0)
How FUN!!!! We're hoping for some of those snowy days this year!!
Enjoy it! I will try to send you some more when we get it. LOL!
Keep smilin!
I always think it's soooo hilarious when you Americans have your "Snow Days" with no school!!
Our schools never close here or we'd have no school all year!! lol Even this morning, my kids all looked like walking marshmellows on their way to school with all the layers they were wearing!! I was praying Caden wouldn't trip and fall cause I wasn't sure he'd be able to get back up again!! lol
That looks soooo beautiful! Hee hee. I always think it's so funny when everything closes down for a little snow. Hey, we'd probably close down for a heat wave.....LOL!
Wow, check that out....pretty cool! I haven't been to somewhere snowy in years!! Looks like so much fun.
Donna :)
Looks beautiful!
I'm SOOOOO jealous! I'd love to have snow down here in AZ. :) Please enjoy it for me!
Wow, that looks cold! Cool pics though of those mumbo jumbo flakes coming down.
We were in the pool today!
It's so pretty! But I'm so thankful that's not something I have to contend with here.
Enjoy it while it lasts!
I miss snow.
not driving in it, or a few days later when it gets all muddy and ugly.
But I miss playing in freshly fallen snow.
my kids have never made a snowman.
That's just wrong.
wrong I tell ya!
How fun and the girls are sooo pretty! I love those smiles:)
I can't believe that it snowed that much the year I leave - grrr!
Oh well, I wish I could be there and I wish we could chat and laugh over pie again.
No fair. I am so jealous. We get snow sometimes once a year, but we haven't had a real snow in like 3 years. It always seems wierd to me when it snows and people do have school!
Our snow is coming... probably this weekend the weatherman says. Love the pics and the blog music is perfect.
Yippeeee! The storm came our way next! We only got about 4 inches or so. But, enough to call it a "snow day" and skip homeschooling so we could go sledding and have fun (pics on my blog). Woke up this morning to -15 degrees - glad it's suposed to be in the 30's by mid-day. The mountains in Colorado get lots of snow, but we're about an hour away and I wish we got MORE!!!!
Wow, My son is so jealous right now. I am not. Hope all is well with you and your family.
I just wanted to say Hi. Thanks for checking out the blog.
We are supposed to get it tomorrow. i dont want it!
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