My Life Soundtrack

I just played this game that I got from Robin, and it turned out so funny!!! Try it out.... it will have you laughing too. Here is what you do:
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc)
2. Put it on shuffle
3. Press play
4. For every question, type the song that’s playing
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button
6. Don’t lie and try to pretend you’re cool…
Opening Credits: Sunglasses at Night-Corey Hart
Waking Up: No Matter What it Takes-Jeremy Camp
First Day At School: Walking in LA-Missing Persons
Falling In Love: Kind of Perfect-Kacey Crowley (Funny-I think this song came with my computer, never actually listened to it)
Fight Song: Come Back Down-Lifehouse
Breaking Up: Blue Monday-New Order ( I swear I did not cheat, this is really what came up, I laughing my shorts off)
Prom: Young Guns (Go for it)-Wham! (So funny and would have been played at my prom, and the only reason I have it in my Library is cuz I just had that 80’s party)
Life: Give you Glory-Jeremy Camp (Cool)
Mental Breakdown: Borderline-Madonna (So true, I am splitting my gut here)
Driving: Take my Life-Jeremy Camp (Yikes, not so funny anymore)
Flashback: Bring ‘Em Out-Hawk Nelson
Getting Back Together: Everything-Jeremy Camp
Wedding: Walk by Faith-Jeremy Camp
Birth of Child: Under the Milk Way-The Church
Final Battle: Million Miles Away-Adam Hood (Phew, after the driving one I was worried)
Death Scene: Love Lead Me On-The Afters (love that one!)
Funeral Song: Hungry Like a Wolf-Duran Duran (huh?)
End Credits: Holiday-Madonna (YES!!!!)
Thanks Robin for the morning laugh!
Also, congratulations go out to Christi!!! She was united with her beautiful daughter, ABBEY!!!
Also.....the song playing is Hawk Nelson, who we went to see this past weekend and represents how I feel right now!!! It has been raining, raining, raining non-stop!!!! YUCK! Parts of our town were flooded today, school was cancelled, my friends had to evacute their home, along with the rest of their neighbors...and the rain makes me, California sounds really good right now!!!
Cool stuff!
Hope the water receded and life returns to a dry normality!
Keep smilin!
Isn't that so cool how the songs really make sense. (strange).. Glad you had fun playing along :-)
I'll have to try it, thanks for the tip....
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