Wednesday, November 22, 2006
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- Waiting for Lauren Elizabeth
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- Do they have salsa in China?
- Going to China...bringing back more than a t-shirt
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- Journey to Maliah Jade
- Journey to Sydney
- Lane Red Thread
- Adorable Sophie
- Paperwork Pregnant and it's a girl
- Hiking through life with Ian and Lili
- Waiting for Chloe
- Cherry Blossom Baby
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- Victoria Grace
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- My Cup Runneth Over
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- Adoption of Keira Joy
- Lanterns and Lotus Blossoms
- K1
- Jewels of my Heart
- Hunan Spice
- Gracie Luvs Ya
- Goin with the Flow
- 3 Peanuts
- Poma Family Blog
- Pandapalooza
- A Mother Singing
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- My Mei Mei
- But the Greatest of these is Love
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- First a Pearl, then a Ruby
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- Fortunately,Family
- Abigail...our journey of hope
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- Journey to Ada Grace
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- Journey to Meileigh
- Mason's Mei Mei
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- Thank You CCAI Secret Pal!!!
- Prayers for two special little girls....
- Trip of a Lifetime
- A "Merry Christmas Song"
- Beauty?
- Major THANKS!!!!
- My Life Soundtrack
- Just for laughs.....
- Fun Weekend ahead!!!
- Had a fun night...but moving onward!!!!
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Mmmm...that turkey looks good! Happy Thanksgiving!
That is the most beautiful table setting I've ever seen!!!
I need to work on mine!! lol
Hope you have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Hope you all have a wonderful thanksgiving at Grandma's. We are headed to the same place tomorrow..(my moms)
Enjoy the day with family!
Wow, what a beautiful table setting! Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
That table looks scrumptious,and I'm not just talking about the food! Have a great Thanksgiving!!!!
What an amazingly gorgeous table! Hope your Thanksgiving was a good one.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING weekend!!! Hope you had a good feast. Makes me jelouse that we already had ours last month.....mmmm my mouth is watering looking at those pictures!!
Your table looked so wonderful. I love the candlelit table. So inviting. Hope you had a great Thanksgiving
Happy Thanksgiving to you all!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours.
Keep smilin!
Happy Belated Thanksgiving!!! Your table decorations are absolutely lovely. I love the idea of popcorn kernels and candles - can't wait to try it myself. Talk to you soon!!
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