2 Months down!!!

I am so glad it is fall! My favorite time of the year. Today we decorated the house with pumpkins and gourds and fall leaves and I lit my favorite candle, Yankee's Pumpkin Spice! We have acorn squash and pork roast in the oven and Hailey is working on baking an apple pie for dessert. Yum!!! But I am most happy that we have now passed our 2nd month logged in. The time so far has been going by pretty fast! Yeah!!! Happy Fall Everyone!!!
Congrats on two months down! :-)
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Happy fall to you as well! Your post made me want to get crackin' on all the fall decorating I must do before Thanksgiving next weekend. :)
Happy LID-versary!!
Happy 2 Month LID-iversary!
Boy! That sounds like a real fall deal! Nummy and cozy!
Keep smilin!
Congrats on 2 months down. I also LOVE fall. It is my most favorite time of the year. It's really a time for me to reflect on all of God's beauty in the world. I love all the colors, the beautiful blue skies and evening sunsets, the CRISP mornings and sunny afternoons. I love jeans and sweatshirts, football games and bonfires. Happy Fall Indeed!!
Congrats on 2 months!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Happy Fall to you too! And Happy 2 month Lidivesary to you. Hope the next months go by just as quickly!
Janet T.
Happy Fall to you too! And Happy 2 month Lidivesary to you. Hope the next months go by just as quickly!
Janet T.
Happy 2nd month anniversary! Fall is my favorite time of year too. I need to get my fall decor box out of the garage and put up my stuff. There's nothing better than pumpkins, fall leaves (even if they are silk ones) and a wonderful pumpkin spice candle burning....ahhh
Donna :)
Happy two months!!
happy two months!!!!!
It seems 3 is the "hump" month. After that they really seem to roll.
Two months! WWWOOOO HOOOOOO! Keep up your positive attitude! You always make me smile!
Janet T.
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