We are finally happy to announce we are officially logged in at CCAA (China Center of Adoption Affairs). This is the official date that we will be watching as our referral draws near. Right now, people who were LID June 29- July 13 of 2005 are receiving their referrals. So if we go by that timeline we should be receiving our referral in about a year from now. Of course, China could speed up in the process (yeah, hopefully) or there is some rumors that the wait could even lengthen (boo, no!) I just need to remember that the perfect baby that God has planned for us will be in our family in the future and I will try to remember that during these long months ahead!!! Today, though, we celebrate this major step in the process!!! Official LID is 8/1/2006!
We are jumping for joy with you! Hopefully we are next. Our DTC was July 14 as well.
Congratulations! Isn't it a good feeling to know you're "official"? And you're right -God has had the perfect child picked out for your family since the beginning of time...and He will bring her to you in HIS perfect timing! I think that's so cool!
Congratulations!! David and I are anxiously awaiting our LID, hopefully it will come soon.
Congrats!!! You'll have that baby home before you know it! :)
Congratulations!! Isn't that the best feeling?!?!
I'm so happy for all of you!
That is how I felt when we finally got our LID. A huge weight was lifted off of my shoulders just knowing the paperchase was over.
Man! We were DTC on the 14th, too! I hope we get our soon! Congratulations!
Congrats! Great way to start the month!
Such a big step!!
Keep smilin!
Congrats!! Let's hope the wait goes fast!
Isn't it the BEST feeling???!!!!
lol I posted my comment and Then read the rest...turns out I copied Stacy exactly!!! lol
Oh Elise -
Congratulations!! Always a huge milestone and a good one to have under your belt!
Congratulations and I love the picture is so funny! I agree, God has the perfect child picked out for you. He did for us with Salome.
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