The Night We Thought We Lost Charlotte

Last night the girls and I were watching a movie and working on quilt swaps (yup, the girls are doing it now too), when we heard the door bell ring. Weird because it was like 10:30pm. When I answered the door it was my next door neighbor, Gloria, with a very sad look on her face. She said they were just coming home and they saw a dead cat lying in the middle of the round around the corner. She thought it may be one of our cats. Her husband, Derek had it in a box outside so I went to take a look. Sure enough it was our cat, Charlotte (or so I thought), lying limp and lifeless in the box. I immediately burst into tears and came into the house to go get Mike, and the girls saw my face and they too burst into tears when I told them it was Charlotte (aka, Boo Boo). We all ran upstairs wailing and Mike came out of the bedroom wondering what all the crying was about. While Mike went out to take a look the girls and I just hugged each other on the front stoop. Mike, was checking to see if the cat was still alive, but he could tell there was no life left in this cat. He decided he better go get a shovel to bury our precious cat when he realized that he had not checked yet to see if this cat was male or female. You see this cat looked exactly like our cat but it was very unusual that she leaves our backyard. So Mike looked between its legs and sure enough, this cat looked like a male cat. Well, he said to us not to get our hopes up but he thought this may not be our cat after all. In the midst of all the excitement and trauma we had not checked to see if Charlotte was actually still in the backyard. Mike went to the back door and sure enough there was our Boo Boo where she usually is, peering in on us from the back sliding door. We immediately felt a sense of relief and last night we realized how much we really love our beloved cat, Charlotte!!!
Of course, we are still sad for this poor cat who did loose his life last night and we can understand clearly how his family must be feeling today!!!
How tramatic! I am glad that Charlotte is okay. I am sorry for Mr. Cat.
Having two cats of my own I would also be a crying mess! Glad to hear that it all turned out well!
Holy smokes! I wonder what Boo Boo was thinking as you guys were crying over the other cat...if only they could talk to us :)
I would love to get together before I leave in the next two weeks. I should have all next week open, so please send me an email and I will give you my phone#.
Can't wait!
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