DTC today......but we had to find out on our own!!!

OK....after checking and rechecking my email every few minutes this evening to see if there were any late messages from CCAI, I realized I had not checked the CCAI family log-in, where they have dates of our adoption progress posted. I knew it was a long shot......but who knows, I thought, maybe there will be new information about our dossier on there......right before my eyes....there it was.....Dossier Mailed to China-July 14, 2006...blink....blink....are my eyes seeing what I think I am seeing? We are DTC!!!! Today!!!! Now, I am just thrilled with this news, especially since I was eagerly awaiting for this all week....but I am a little disappointed too. Why didn't I get an email or a call from CCAI? Why did I have to find this out on my own. If I hadn't checked this site, I would be going to bed tonight sad instead of relieved and excited. But I do get to go to bed tonight excited....I will be dreaming of our little Angel in China tonight, as our dossier flies across the ocean. We are DTC today!!!! Yipee!!!
Hooray!!!! Congratulations!!!!
Hooray! :)
Woo Hoo.. Hip Hip Hooray!! If I were there... I'd say "lets go have a "drink".. or a big chocolate shake or something. (seeing as I don't drink much)
I'm so happy for you.
Congratulations! Am so excited for you and your family!
God is good isn't He?! :)
A GREAT day to be DTC....My Birthday!!!
Let's keep our fingers crossed for a July LID too!!!
CONGRATS on your DTC....My dossier is July 14th too!! Now lets see if we have the same LID...should be interesting.
Congratulations! We know the waiting is long but you are making progress. We are with CCAI and have had good communications so far. Hope you have a speedy LID date!
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