We are in translation!!!!

I just got a call from CCAI and our revised doctor's letter arrived this morning and everything looked great. We are in translation now so hopefully we will DTC sometime this week!!!! Gracie we are so close to making this all happen!!! We can't wait to see your precious face!!! Thank you GOD!!!!

Hailey and Kyla are in Spokane for the week so Mike and I are all alone and I have the days while he is at work completely to myself. So..... now with the no kids and no dossier paperwork to do, it is time to get some projects done!!! Mike and I painted our den yesterday, it was one of the only rooms left unpainted since our move in date a year and half ago. It feels good to have that done. I know have to plan the configuration for everything in the room since it will now be used for many different functions. Since we made the decision to adopt, I am going to lose my crafting room, which is the 4th bedroom upstairs, and all of my craft paraphernalia needs to fit into the den along with our home office stuff and I think I want to make it a great place for Kyla to do her work next year when we homeschool. Now.... I have got my work cut out for me. The room is not huge and it does not have any closets so I am going to have to become very creative with storage solutions. Today, I am going to see if there are any touch ups needed on our paint job and start planning on what to do with the rest of the room. I will post a picture when its done. The other projects I would like to get to (but may not) are painting the girls bathroom and making my valances and curtains for the familyroom and kitchen. I have had the fabric and rods for a year but have not done a thing with them. Hopefully I still like the fabric!!! I need to keep myself really busy so the week will go by fast, the girls just left on Saturday and I already miss them so much!!!!
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