I've been tagged!

A fellow July Firefly, Donna, “tagged” me, so I must finish these open ended statements....
I am…a happy wife and mother....the best job in the world for me!
I want…my kids to be happy.
I wish…everyone could have a husband as wonderful as mine!
I hate…when people yell at each other.
I miss…my kids as little babies and toddlers.
I hear…birds chirping, construction noise, and Kyla breathing as she sleeps in a sleeping bag on the floor next to me in bed.
I wonder…what heaven will be like.
I regret…some things I did as a teen.
I am not...a conflict person.
I dance…to embarrass my kids;).
I sing…terribly...but I sing anyways!
I cry…when I feel out of control.
I am not always…patient...and we are adopting?
I make...lots of crafty stuff...must be doing something creative!
I confuse…my words sometimes...and Mike always notices and teases me.
I need…a lot of sleep.
I should…be going for a walk this morning and not playing on my computer.
I start...a lot of projects at the same time.
I finish…my coffee before I get going each day! Must have coffee!!!
I’ll now tag Robin and Emily!
Hi Elise! I was tagged too! :-) I also hate it when people yell at each other! Hope you're having a great day!
Janet T.
Catch up on that sleep now bc in just a few months you will be a little deprived! Hopefully just a few months!
Our dancing is meant to make the kids blush.
Hi Elise! Thank you for posting to my blog! I am SO excited to meet other July Fireflies! When I read this post I realized how much we have in common! I am excited to get to know you!
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