January is almost over.....
I can't believe how fast the time is passing by. Good with the adoption wait but I am freaking out that Hailey is already half way through her sophmore year. I just don't want her to leave the nest but I can see it coming upon us way too fast. I am afraid if I blink she will be gone!!!
Hailey with her Jr. cheerleaders.....So cute there was one boy and he was in Hailey's group
I wasn't able to make it the game on Friday night because that was the same night as my annual PJ Palooza at our church. I am still the Mother-Daughter Ministry Coordinator and I am having a ball serving moms and daughters. This year it was a great outreach too as many people brought friends and neighbors.
Kyla is getting a little old for the PJ Party but I was still thankful that she was willing to come help with some of her other friends.
My cute teen helpers....
I have my "The Princess and the Kiss" class starting up next Monday so I have been busy getting that all together as well I am planning a new event to serve younger girls (3-7 year olds) and their moms. Plus, I am still working on my photography class which I am WAY behind on!!! Never enough time!!!
I can tell you are proud. what beautiful pictures
Hi!! Sorry I don't get over here to comment much, but until I can finish up my job I don't have much blogging time. LOVE the Pajamapalooza! ; )
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